Carer Information Hub

A collection of easy carer guides and Carers Centre information.

The Carer Information Hub is our information, advice and guidance library. If you visit the Carers Centre we have a dedicated area which houses our information library, computer for carer use, our Carer Contact Team and Dementia Advice Service. Please find some of our available documents and guides below that you can download. If you require any other information, advice or guidance please contact us on 0191 549 3768 or complete the contact form at the bottom of this page and a member of our contact team will be in touch.
Guide to's

This guide will briefly cover a list of benefits to make sure you and the person you are looking after are claiming all benefits you are entitled to.

Benefits and Finances (PDF)

It is so important to look after your own emotional wellbeing while you are caring. This guide will cover how to self-care and manage stress.

Emotional Wellbeing (PDF)

Looking after a child who could not manage without you because of disability, additional needs, or long-term illness, you are a Parent Carer.

Support for Parent Carers (PDF)

This guide will cover what a carers assessment is, what the assessment will cover and how you can apply to get an assessment.

Carers Assessments (PDF)

This guide will help you and your family along the pathway to arranging Lasting Power of Attorney and understanding what that means.

Lasting Power of Attorney

If you're juggling work with looking after someone, you are not alone there are 5 million working carers in the UK.

Support for Carers in Employment (PDF)

Some carers may be eligible for free care arranged and funded by the NHS. This guide will outline who is eligible and how to apply

Continuing Healthcare (PDF)

There may come a time when you are unable or no longer willing to care. This guide will help you plan for possible future outcomes.

Planning for the Future (PDF)

This guide will help you understand dementia and help available when caring for someone with dementia.

Caring for Someone with Dementia (PDF)

Self-care is general prevention and taking action to look after yourself. This guide will cover the basics of self-care and support available.

Self Care (PDF)

Future Planning

As carers we would like to think that we will always be there to care for our loved one but unfortunately this may not possible for a variety of reasons. A carers emergency plan helps you to think about what would need to be in place should this happen. By thinking ahead in the event of an emergency and forming an emergency plan can give great comfort to everyone including the person you care for. Thinking about what would need to happen in an emergency situation can also help open up discussions and thoughts of what would need to happen if you were unable to care for a longer period of time or sadly if you were to pass away.  We understand that this can be a very emotive and upsetting area of life that you may not want to discuss or even think about, however showing an emergency plan to family and friends often gives the opportunity to discuss and think about the wider future plans.

You can download the Sunderland Carers Emergency Plan form below or call the centre and a member of the team would be happy to help and support you in completing the form.


Many of our calls are from carers requiring benefit advice and guidance as a caring role can impact on the family’s finances. Our Carer Contact Team can help guide you through the Turn2us calculator or simply click on the Turn2us button to complete your own benefit calculation.

For further information about benefits please see our Guide To (PDF).
This Benefits Calculator is supplied by Turn2us, a national charity that helps people in financial hardship to gain access to welfare benefits, charitable grants and support services.

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Please add your details here, and we aim to be in touch within 2 working days. If your enquiry is urgent, please click the link below for our contact details.