Family Carers Board
The board is a group of family carers, together with representatives of Sunderland Care and Support, who aid in the continuous development of the supported living services in Sunderland.What is the Family Carers Board?
- We are a group of family carers who meet together, whose loved one live within Sunderland Care and Support supported living services.
- The group (or Board) provides a forum for family carers to come together with representatives of Sunderland Care and Support and Sunderland Carers Centre to share information and to support the continuous development of the supported living services.
- It Provides a forum through which family carers can share positive experiences or concerns and discuss topical issues.
- It gives space for family carers to come together, have a cup of tea/coffee and gain support.
How does it work?
- The ‘Board’ meet together 3 times a year (usually every 4 months).
- We usually meet at Leechmere Centre (but you are welcome to attend the meeting virtually by Teams).
- We are supported by Sunderland Carers Centre who hold family carers contact details and send out invitations and minutes of meetings.
- We have a Chair and Co-chair but the meetings are very relaxed and encourage family carers to have a voice, as well as having time for a catch up.
If you would like to attend please contact Sunderland Carers Centre via: Telephone on 0191 5493768 or email
Family Carers Open Day!
You are invited to a free drop in event, between 2 and 6pm on Wednesday 12th June 2024, at Sunderland Care and Support, Leechmere Centre, Carrmere Road, Sunderland SR2 9TQ. Refreshments will be provided throughout the event and all attendees will be entered into a free prize draw to win a £50 Sunderland Bridges Shopping Voucher.
The purpose of the event is to be able to meet members of the Family Carers Board, and representatives of Sunderland Carers Centre, and Sunderland Care and Support (who provide the Supported Living service to our loved ones) in a relaxed, informal setting with refreshments. Other relevant agencies will also be there, such as:
Adult Social Care
Financial Support (including benefits)
There will be information stands at which you can pick up leaflets and talk to the experts.
Please come along if you can. If you decide to do so, it will help us in planning catering numbers if you could indicate your intention by scanning the QR code:
Our normal meeting will take place at the earlier time of 12pm on the same day and at the same location as the main event. If you would like to sit in on that to find out who we are and what takes place, you would be most welcome.
Meeting Summaries
Terms of Reference
Meeting Dates and Times
Wednesday 12th June at 12pm (followed by Family Carers Open Day event)
Wednesday 16th October from 4pm to 6pm
Wednesday 12th February
June Meeting – To be held on the Wednesday in the middle of the Carers Week once announced
Wednesday 15th October
Have a concern to raise or a suggestion for the next meeting?
Please get in touch…
Add the details of your suggestion here and it will be raised in our next meeting. If your enquiry is urgent, please contact us using the details provided above. Your concern or suggestion can be sent anonymously, however if you would like to be contacted regarding your message please leave a name and phone number or email address.