Young Carer Questionnaires

Help young carers!


Covid-19 has had a huge impact on how we’ve been able to support Young Carers.

We’re contacting our families to find out exactly how COVID-19 has impacted you and how we can provide the best service for yourself and your Young Carer going forward.

We would like to ask you some questions regarding Covid Impact and Young Carer Services. These questionnaires will help shape our service offer, ensure future funding, and allow families and young carers to have a voice around the support they receive.

To encourage as many people as possible to reply, every questionnaire completed by March 12th will be entered into a prize draw to win an £50 Amazon voucher. Both questionnaires’ will have its own prize draw and the links for both can be found below.


Covid-19 Impact Questionnaire (Click here)

This questionnaire will tell us how Covid-19 has had an impact on your young carer.


Sunderland Young Carer Consultation Questionnaire (Click here)

This questionnaire will help inform us how to best future plan our services to support your Young Carer.

We look forward to hearing from you and thank you in advance for supporting us.