Giving carers a voice on how online services are shaped… We need you to have your say!
Research Study: Barriers and facilitators to online engagement with support for carers
Sunderland Carers Centre, together with the University of Sunderland and the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration North-East and North Cumbria, are carrying out a research study to explore carers views about accessing online support. It gives carers the opportunity to have your say in shaping online carers services and support both nationally and regionally.
This study is asking carers to complete a short survey about the types of support that they have accessed and to get their views about online support. The results of this study will help us to develop future support options for carers and to make these as accessible as possible.
By taking part in the survey, you can be entered into a draw with the opportunity to win a tablet or one of four £25 cash prizes (or equivalent voucher of your choice).
Here you can download:
Participant Information Leaflet.
This leaflet explains more about the study and what is involved should you wish to take part.
You can complete the survey online by CLICKING HERE or by using the URL:
Alternatively, you can contact Sunderland Carers Centre on 0191 549 3768 or to request a paper copy be sent to you for completion.